Mobility Scooters

Mobility Scooter Manuals

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The mobility scooter manual that comes with the scooter you’ve just purchased is an extremely valuable source of information that can help you understand how your mobility scooter works, as well as help you fix any problems that should occur with it. For instance, many mobility scooter manuals will feature a ‘Troubleshooting’ section that helps you with some major problems such as if your scooter simply won’t start. Manuals also illustrate to users how to clean their scooter – the ideal method being with a lightly damp cloth as opposed to high pressure hoses which could potentially cause damage or result in water interfering with electrical components.

Manuals also provide other practical information such as how and when to charge the battery for your mobility scooter. Something you will find reiterated in nearly all mobility scooter manuals is the importance of not leaving your battery in a discharged state for a lengthy period of time. Indeed, most manufacturers recommend you give your scooter a ‘refreshing charge’ every month to prevent the battery from losing its charge holding ability. Mobility scooter manuals provide more practical information like where and when you should and shouldn’t use your mobility scooter ensuring that you are always informed of any potential safety problems.

If you’ve purchased a folding or portable mobility scooter and occasionally forget how to dismantle it, a manual will be very useful for reminding you how exactly to do this. Should you have purchased additional accessories, such as an all-weather mobility scooter canopy, a manual will often inform you where and how to attach this to your scooter.

All in all, the manuals that come with mobility scooters today really are an important aspect of owning one. Should you lose your manual, it is advisable to contact your manufacturer for another one. If you’ve chosen a fairly popular mobility scooter model or from a popular brand, the manual for it is sure to be available online.

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