
Electric Wheelchairs

Electric Wheelchair Controller

The first electric wheelchairs were produced more than 60 years ago. Today they are an excellent choice for those looking for greater mobility than a manual wheelchair can provide. It’s also an option for those who lack the strength to consistently operate a manual chair. There are numerous different styles of electric wheelchair available today – most however follow the same design with a base that contains the motor and the chair on top. The seat on an electric wheelchair is usually much different from a manual one, providing greater lumbar support and with more cushioning, as well as armrests. Electric wheelchairs can also be either 4 wheeled or 6 wheeled. You may have wondered what the difference is between an electric wheelchair and a mobility scooter; after all they look quite similar. The most prominent difference is how the vehicle is controlled. Whereas mobility scooters require greater mobility on the user’s part with the use of steering left and right like a bicycle, electric wheelchairs are controlled with a small joystick.

Types of Electric Wheelchair

Folding and Portable

Portable Electric WheelchairPortable electric wheelchairs are designed to fold away for your convenience and ease of storage. It’s lightweight and able to fit into a car boot and even be taken onboard on airplane. It’s primarily designed for those who will use it only occasionally.

Mid-Wheel Drive

Centre Wheel Drive Electric WheelchairMid-wheel (or centre wheel) drive electric wheel chairs are excellent for indoor use and provide far superior turning radius than any other type of electric wheelchair. In this way they are excellent for those who will be using the chair in small areas such as narrow corridors.

Front Wheel Drive

front wheel drive powerchairFront wheel electric wheelchairs can be driven on variety of different terrain as well as being suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Outdoor use however is the front wheel drive’s primary forté.

Rear Wheel Drive

Rear wheel drie powerchairThis type of electric wheelchair is very good at going up and down slopes as one of it’s primary features is a reduced chance of tipping over. Generally speaking, rear wheel drive electric wheelchairs are the most popular as well as being the quickest.

Heavy Duty Electric Wheelchairs

Heavy Duty PowerchairHeavy duty wheelchairs are ideal for larger individuals as they are able to support much greater weight. They are also wider and so allow for greater comfort and space. Various models can support a weight of up to 650lbs.

Other Features

Electric wheelchairs use rechargeable batteries as a power source. Range on a single charge varies with model but can go all the way upto 25 miles.

Various models also include a different ways of controlling the wheelchair. For instance, those who have limited dexterity in their hands and finger can opt for a control that is operated by chin movements or even a head-switch. Head-switches can also be operated by the knees or elbows.

Should the potential buyer have a spinal cord injury, they are even able to use their wheelchair by blowing in through specially made tubes that are placed near the rider’s mouth.

Most modern electric wheelchairs can also easily be fitted with kerb climbers, so that small step or the edge of the pavement is no longer a problem!

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